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  • 논문
  1. AR Lim, B Kim, JH Kim, MH Hyun, KH Park, YH Kim, S Lee et al. Phase Ib and pharmacokinetics study of alpelisib, a PIK3CA inhibitor, and capecitabine in patients with advanced solid tumors. Front Oncol. 2024 Jul(14);1390452
  2. MH Hyun, H Yang, J An. Reply: Does Acupuncture Increase the Risk of Hepatitis C Virus Transmission? A Commentary on the Currently Published Article, “Risk of Hepatitis C Virus Transmission through Acupuncture: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis”. Korean J Gastroenterol. 2024; Feb 83(2):72-73
  3. MH Hyun, JH Kim, JW Jang, JE Song, HW Lee, YY Cho, GA Kim, EL Yoon, DH Sinn, SS Kim, SY Yim, H Yang, J An. Risk of hepatitis C virus transmission through acupuncture: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Korean J Gastroenterol. 2023; Sep 82(3):127-136
  4. K Lee, IH Park, SC Oh, JH Seo, MJ Jeon, ES Yu, DS Kim, CW Choi, AR Lim, MH Hyun et al. Perception and safety analysis of COVID‐19 vaccination in cancer patients: A multicenter, real‐world study. Cancer Med. 2023 Mar;12(5):5558-5568.
  5. AR Lim, JH Kim, MH Hyun, YH Kim, S Lee. Prognostic factors for renal function deterioration during palliative first-line chemotherapy for metastatic colorectal cancer: a retrospective study. Support Care Cancer. 2022 Oct;30(10):8129-8137.
  6. S Lee, YS Park, JH Kim, AR Lim, MH Hyun, B Kim, JW Lee, SB Lee, YH Kim. Identification of biomarkers associated with liver metastasis progression from colorectal cancer using Exosomal RNA profiling. Cancers (Basel). 2022 Sep 28;14(19):4723.
  7. AR Lim, JH Kim, MH Hyun, WJ Chang, S Lee, YH Kim, KH Park, JH Park. Blood transfusion has an adverse impact on the prognosis of patients receiving chemotherapy for advanced colorectal cancer: experience from a single institution with a patient blood management program. Support Care Cancer. 2022 Jun;30(6):5289-5297.
  8. GE Kwon*, MH Hyun*(Co-first author), DJ Byun, KJ Paeng, HS Seo, MH Choi. Metabolic signatures of cholesterol biosynthesis and absorption in patients with coronary artery disease. J Steroid Biochem Mol Biol. 2021 Sep;212:105940.
  9. YS Lee, HS Lee, JH Kim, SW Chang, MH Hyun, H Bak, S Kim, M Lee, CU Lee, YK Jung et al. Role of tenofovir disoproxil fumarate in prevention of perinatal transmission of hepatitis B virus from mother to child: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Korean J Intern Med. 2021 Jan;36(1):76-85.
  10. MH Hyun, JH Kang, S Kim, JO Na, CU Choi, JW Kim, EJ Kim, SW Rha, CG Park, E Lee, HS Seo. Patterns of circadian variation in 24-Hour ambulatory blood Pressure, heart Rate, and sympathetic tone correlate with cardiovascular disease risk: a cluster analysis. Cardiovasc Ther. 2020 Sep 22;2020:4354759.
  11. MH Hyun, JW Jang, BG Choi, JO Na, CU Choi, JW Kim, EJ Kim, SW Rha, CG Park, E Lee, HS Seo. Risk of insulin resistance with statin therapy in individuals without dyslipidemia: A propensity‐matched analysis in a registry population. Clin Exp Pharmacol Physiol. 2020 Jun;47(6):947-954.
  12. MH Hyun, JW Jang, E Lee, H An, HS Seo. Baseline, delta, and achieved low-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels and cardiovascular risk in patients on statin therapy: A post-hoc resampling mediation analysis of treating new targets [TNT] trial. Clin Exp Pharmacol Physiol. 2020 Oct;47(10):1649-1658.
  13. MH Hyun, JW Jang, BG Choi, JO Na, CU Choi, JW Kim, EJ Kim, SW Rha, CG Park, E Lee, HG Seo. The low-density lipoprotein cholesterol lowering is an ineffective surrogate marker of statin responsiveness to predict cardiovascular outcomes: The 10-year experience. Medicine (Baltimore). 2019 Dec;98(51):e18510.
  14. YS Lee*, MH Hyun*(Co-first author), JH Kim, JE Yeon, KS Byun. [Correspondence] Hepatic resection compared to chemoembolization in intermediate-to advanced-stage hepatocellular carcinoma: a comment for moving forward reply. Hepatology. 2019 Jul;70(1):446-447.
  15. MH Hyun, ES Lee, JS Eo, S Kim, EJ Kang, JS Sung, YJ Choi, KH Park, SW Shin, SY Lee, YH Kim. Clinical implications of circulating cell-free DNA quantification and metabolic tumor burden in advanced non-small cell lung cancer. Lung Cancer. 2019 Aug;134:158-166.
  16. YS Lee*, MH Hyun*(Co-first author), SY Yim, JH Kim, JE Yeon, KS Byun. [Correspondence] Surgical resection versus transarterial chemoembolization for intermediate stage hepatocellular carcinoma (BCLC-B): an unsolved question reply. Hepatology. 2019 Feb;69(2):923.
  17. MH Hyun, Y Lee, BG Choi, JO Na, CU Choi, JW Kim, EJ Kim, SW Rha, CG Park, E Lee, HS Seo. Roles of achieved levels of low-density lipoprotein cholesterol and high-sensitivity c-reactive protein on cardiovascular outcome in statin therapy. Cardiovasc Ther. 2019 Nov 21;2019:3824823.
  18. MH Hyun, YS Lee, JH Kim, CU Lee, YK Jung, YS Seo, HJ Yim, JE Yeon, KS Byun. Hepatic resection compared to chemoembolization in intermediate- to advanced-stage hepatocellular carcinoma: A meta-analysis of high-quality studies. Hepatology. 2018 Sep;68(3):977-993.
  19. JH Jung, GG Song, YH Lee, JH Kim, MH Hyun, SJ Choi. Serum uric acid levels and hormone therapy type: a retrospective cohort study of postmenopausal women. Menopause. 2018 Jan;25(1):77-81.
  20. MH Hyun, JS Sung, EJ Kang, YJ Choi, KH Park, SW Shin, SY Lee, YH Kim. Quantification of circulating cell-free DNA to predict patient survival in non-small-cell lung cancer. Oncotarget. 2017 Oct 10;8(55):94417-94430.
  21. YS Lee*, MH Hyun*(Co-first author), JH Kim, JE Yeon, KS Byun. [Correspondence] Role of tenofovir to prevent mother‐to‐child transmission of hepatitis B virus—authors’ reply. Aliment Pharmacol Ther. 2017 Sep;46(5):563-564.
  22. MH Hyun, YS Lee, JH Kim, JH Je, YJ Yoo, JE Yeon, KS Byun. Systematic review with meta‐analysis: the efficacy and safety of tenofovir to prevent mother‐to‐child transmission of hepatitis B virus. Aliment Pharmacol Ther. 2017 Jun;45(12):1493-1505.
  23. SM Chung*, MH Hyun*(Co-first author), E Lee, HS Seo. Novel effects of sarcopenic osteoarthritis on metabolic syndrome, insulin resistance, osteoporosis, and bone fracture: the national survey. Osteoporos Int. 2016 Aug;27(8):2447-57.
  24. MH Hyun, JK Sim, JY Oh, GY Hur, SY Lee, JJ Shim, KH Kang, KH Min. Centrilobular cysts of the lung. Am J Med Sci. 2016 Jan;351(1):e1.
  25. MH Hyun, SM Chung. [Correspondence] Randomized, controlled trial of percutaneous cryoablation versus radiofrequency ablation in hepatocellular carcinoma. Hepatology. 2015 Sep;62(3):980.
  26. MJ Park*, MH Hyun*(Co-first author), JP Yang, JM Yoon, S Park. Effects of the interleukin-1β-511 C/T gene polymorphism on the risk of gastric cancer in the context of the relationship between race and H. pylori infection: a meta-analysis of 20,000 subjects. Mol Biol Rep. 2015 Jan;42(1):119-34.
  27. MH Hyun, JW Park, DS Shin, JM Cho, KS Yang, S Park. Minimizing operative time for robotic gastrectomy in cancer: analysis of the major factors for four detailed steps. Hepatogastroenterology. 2014 Nov-Dec;61(136):2260-5.
  28. JP Yang*, MH Hyun*(Co-first author), JM Yoon, MJ Park, D Kim, S Park. Association between TNF-α-308 G/A gene polymorphism and gastric cancer risk: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Cytokine. 2014 Dec;70(2):104-14.
  29. YJ Li*, MH Hyun*(Co-first author), SW Rha, KY Chen, Z Jin, Q Dang, CM Park, JE Lee, JY Park. CU Choi et al. Diabetes mellitus is not a risk factor for coronary artery spasm as assessed by an intracoronary acetylcholine provocation test: angiographic and clinical characteristics of 986 patients. J Invasive Cardiol. 2014 Jun;26(6):234-9.
  30. J Yoon*, MH Hyun*(Co-first author), JP Yang, MJ Park, S Park. Ethnic differences in the association of the glutathione S-transferase T1 (GSTT1) null genotype and risk of gastric carcinoma: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Mol Biol Rep. 2014 Jun;41(6):3867-79.
  31. MH Hyun, CH Lee, HJ Kim, Y Tong, SS Park. Systematic review and meta-analysis of robotic surgery compared with conventional laparoscopic and open resections for gastric carcinoma. Br J Surg. 2013 Nov;100(12):1566-78.
  32. MH Hyun, MR Shin, YH Kim. [Correspondence] Regorafenib for metastatic colorectal cancer. Lancet. 2013 May 4;381(9877):1537-8.
  33. MH Hyun, CH Lee, YJ Kwon, SI Cho, YJ Jang, DH Kim, JH Kim, SH Park, YJ Mok, SS Park. Robot versus laparoscopic gastrectomy for cancer by an experienced surgeon: comparisons of surgery, complications, and surgical stress. Ann Surg Oncol. 2013 Apr;20(4):1258-65.
  34. MH Hyun, CH Lee, MH Kang, BK Park, YH Lee. Interleukin-10 promoter gene polymorphisms and susceptibility to asthma: a meta-analysis. PLoS One. 2013;8(1):e53758.
  35. CH Lee, MH Hyun, YJ Kwon, SI Cho, SS Park. Deciding laparoscopic approaches for wedge resection in gastric submucosal tumors: a suggestive flow chart using three major determinants. J Am Coll Surg. 2012 Dec;215(6):831-40.